Alchemical Design Breakdowns


the Veiled Verdigris Vat


The Cathedral

The Cathedral keycap has a specific design that stands for information intrinsic in its architecture.
Upon its face lays the groundwork.

The square housing the diamond is the foundation of all alchemical elements. This motif is found along the borders of the top and bottom of the key. The idea that Cold, Hot, Wet, and Dry combine to create the four basic elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water is shown in the two segments of each side of the diamond coming together. The middle point upon each edge of that very diamond shape is the harmony of balance all supported by the grander shape of the housing square.

The arches of the windows are a symbol of the fountains of knowledge, ever pouring within the cycle of the upper elements to the lower, and springing back to the top, gaining the knowledge of the experience of the journey. These fountains of knowledge support everything between and within the alchemical elements.

Above the lower elements of the key, there are double sections of an alchemical symbol of Tin separating the lower and higher elements. It is a buffer between the material world, also symbolized by Jupiter, and the ideal world, represented by the rising knowledge of mercury. Both sets of elements are the exact same, but one set is supported by the idea of what the elements represent. As above, so below.

Within the windows can be seen the well known MX stem cross, but in this grotto, it is no mere function of simple design - it is the alchemical symbol of Verdigris. From the vitriol of the acidic nature of Verdigris, a lot of other meanings have come forth with the symbol, including Earth and Salt, but it is the finding of the gold left over by the acidic nature that Verdigris is celebrated. What better symbol to represent the rough and ever pressing action of enjoying the keyboard? The gold is celebrated from the moments spent using the keys, past the slowly degrading nature of use, over time.

Above the Verdigris symbol is the iconic rose of the grotto. It is a symbol of the ever blooming soul. Symbolically placed upon the LED light source of the key, if implemented, it is meant to be a hope that the light and knowledge of our soul at The Gothic Grotto helps to inspire and enlighten any that look into the skywatching window of the key. As within, so without.

May the intimations of the knowledge behind the designs of The Cathedral help inspire any whom look upon its face. Whether seeing it as inside-outside or above-below, know that both are for the miracle of the whole key that we wish to bring.

Blessings upon all whom find themselves here.